
Gonna write that next best selling fantasy novel 🧙‍ someday. Check out these web development articles till then.


Try using reducers for state management in React.

Sometimes the UI can have multiple moving parts and managing every piece of state using useState() can get pretty tedious and unmaintainable. The reducer pattern just might be your best bet to manage such state.


Using refs to check if a component is still mounted in React.

Situations can arise where you might want to know if a component is still mounted or not, to stop state updates when a component is unmounted preventing a memory leak is a common one.

This is why you can't return adjacent JSX elements.

Probably the very first error you encounter while learning React, take a deeper dive and see how it just wants you to follow the fundamentals of JavaScript.

Learn Webpack by dumping create-react-app for once.

Module bundlers are essential for modern applications, see how it works by setting up your own React project from scratch.

ES6 Default Parameters

Check out all the things you can do using default parameters introduced with ES6, start writing cleaner functions.